
Showing posts with the label Rahat Jabeen

School, Teenage, Childhood

My School days were interesting enough. I did not study from a very lavish, big private English Medium school. I studied at an ordinary private school of the same kind that are usually situated at the corner of every gali, mohalla in Pakistan. It was not that small either, but it was not a big name. You can say, it was a mediocre level school which created enough impact on me that enabled me to do something good with my life.  It had a pretty big play ground, rather airy class rooms, decent teachers and an awesome Principal. I believe, a Principal of the school is the one who can make or break a school system.  OK, so, I was a studious child. I don't remember what was that thing, which made me studious. I never really worked hard at school for study. I just used to revise the things because, I loved doing homework. I think I had an interest in reading books that made me studious, otherwise I was not that genius. I always stood first in the class, ...