
Showing posts with the label life

Life is not a bed of Roses!

Yes, that's true. If you think that one day all your problems are going to be solved and you will be the happiest person on this planet, you are wrong. If you won't have those problems that you are facing today, you will be facing some other problems pertinent to that time.  Lets talk with examples. When, we were young, we used to have problems like my friend had a fight with me. He/she stolen my pencil. My teacher scolded me today for nothing and things like that. Then we grew and our problems changed i.e. I couldn't score good marks in a subject. I couldn't score better than my competition at school or college. My friend has been rude to me. Then we entered into work life and this took us into the a next state of depression and anxiety. The problems became like, my mentor is not good enough, my colleagues are so into politics, I am not up to the mark in my performance, my wages are so low etc. etc. And then we get married and a new Pandora box of problems opens up, wh...

Let's Begin...

Life is a rough and patchy road. It never promises smooth ride. And when you are gawky like me, it becomes a thousands time more difficult. But that's ok, if its the same for everyone. LOL. Don't you think the thought relaxes you that if I am suffering a certain way, so as others. Selfish, but yes, it does. What my mantra is to be thankful for all the hardships, because at least we have something to tackle with.  I believe being thankful and have a positive mindset can change things. Steady life can be boring as well. You know what, when you have nothing on mind, no agenda, no plan, you become lazy, and ultimately it leads to depression, anxiety and what not.  Khair, I am an anxious, shy girl from Pakistan, want to say a lot but cannot, because introvert. 😑 Basically, I want to say a lot to people but don't want to be seen. Because, being with people is overwhelming for me. Sometimes, speaking more than 3 sentences becomes difficult for me, not because I don't have con...