Life is not a bed of Roses!
Lets talk with examples. When, we were young, we used to have problems like my friend had a fight with me. He/she stolen my pencil. My teacher scolded me today for nothing and things like that. Then we grew and our problems changed i.e. I couldn't score good marks in a subject. I couldn't score better than my competition at school or college. My friend has been rude to me. Then we entered into work life and this took us into the a next state of depression and anxiety. The problems became like, my mentor is not good enough, my colleagues are so into politics, I am not up to the mark in my performance, my wages are so low etc. etc. And then we get married and a new Pandora box of problems opens up, which I cannot even describe here.
So, at every stage of life, we have to face something or the other. It can vary in situation and intensity, but you can never get rid of them completely.
So here's a tip. Lets accept whatever you're facing. sometimes accepting a fact as is, helps us to improve. We must know that this life is temporary, imperfect and mortal. It will have problems, difficulties and all the bad things. We all have to depart from this world and a new life begins there, which will be perfect, everlasting and free from the problems that we are facing in this world. The key to success will be only if we can keep on doing good deeds even in the difficult times. This world is any how of contempt. Why get disdained for this world, why not get disdained for something far more superior?
So now, let's give up the struggles to find happiness here, but start collecting happiness for the hereafter. Lets meet everyone with a smile, even if he/she did bad with you. Lets help those who cant help themselves. Lets light a candle for those in darkness. Feed the poor, serve the universe in every way possible. You know what, it will ease out the anxiety in you in this world too!!!
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