
Showing posts with the label happiness

Let's Begin...

Life is a rough and patchy road. It never promises smooth ride. And when you are gawky like me, it becomes a thousands time more difficult. But that's ok, if its the same for everyone. LOL. Don't you think the thought relaxes you that if I am suffering a certain way, so as others. Selfish, but yes, it does. What my mantra is to be thankful for all the hardships, because at least we have something to tackle with.  I believe being thankful and have a positive mindset can change things. Steady life can be boring as well. You know what, when you have nothing on mind, no agenda, no plan, you become lazy, and ultimately it leads to depression, anxiety and what not.  Khair, I am an anxious, shy girl from Pakistan, want to say a lot but cannot, because introvert. 😑 Basically, I want to say a lot to people but don't want to be seen. Because, being with people is overwhelming for me. Sometimes, speaking more than 3 sentences becomes difficult for me, not because I don't have con...