Why do I get infuriated so early?
I am a little person with a lot of anger in me. I get infuriated by very small things at people, but since, I cant express my rage at everyone, I have to suppress the feelings of anger, which not only cause harm to me but my mental health too.
You know what, getting annoyed easily is a sign of a weaker person. And since, I am a physically and emotionally a weaker person, I have a lot of anger in me. Sometimes, what I want is to kill the other person, or thrash anything that comes in my hand on the person in front of me. But of course, its not possible all the time, I have to give it up and stay traumatized or if the situation becomes out of hand, I have to release it out by crying. Sometimes, I do cry in front of others, sometimes, I cry in solace. but crying out helps.
Crying out is a good option but we should not only rely on crying out. We should think of a solution to the rage. First and foremost thing is that, you get angry only on those who are less powerful than you. May be, lesser powerful physically or may be in position. You will never get angry on those, who are more superior than you. Its a universal rule. and a psychological one too. Whenever, you get angry, check to whom you are getting angry on, you will realize this universal truth.
After thinking a lot, I am still passing through a tough phase of letting things go. Its hard for me to not react instantly, whenever I get angry. But, Its true that not reacting to anything gives you more power. My personal experience says so. And the last thing that I do, (because anyhow, I have to get through the situation as well, I cant keep crying or ranting or abusing myself by anger) is that leave the place. If your boss is making you angry, you do not feel accomplished, whenever you do something he is constantly behaving like shit, leave the job. Find another one, you'll get a new one, believe me on that. If someone in your family annoys you, (obviously, here you cant apply that leave the job formula), start avoiding them. Don't always remain in front of them. Stop reacting to them, it will work wonders. And the biggest thing, stop thinking about them so much.
I know, these might be somewhat silly suggestions, but Kuch na kuch tou karna hoga na!!!
(translation: "kuch na kuch tou karna hoga na" - Something has to be done.)
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